Smart Packaging Industries (SPI) is the global distributor of the patented Q-Bic® concept which is fully owned by SPI Holding AS through the ownership of patents and copyrights.

SPI licenses out the Q-Bic® packaging concept to brand owners, retailers, distributors etc., providing our clients with significant carbon and cost reductions. Since SPI is not a packaging manufacturer,
our clients can maintain existing strategic relationships with their packaging manufacturers,
or we can assist with consulting and production through our network of manufacturing partners.

Bjørn Sloreby

General Manager Europe

Chris Lambrou

General Manager North America

Stian Valentin Knutsen

Founder & Chairman.

Kolbjørn Mikkelsen

Founder & CTO

Erling L’orsa Tveit

Marie Berard

Marketing & Communications

Contact Q-Bic

Please reach out to us for any inquiries regarding our smarter packaging design, for samples or if you want to do a pilot with us.
